Jared Prewitt

Jared Prewitt was a Designated Marksman in Ramadi, Iraq in 2006-2007 and a Squad Leader in Helmand Province, Afghanistan in 2008. After getting out of the Marines in 2009 as a Sergeant (E-5), Jared earned an undergraduate degree in business administration and a Master’s in Writing.

He’s also earned a diagnosis of Lupus, a disease that more than likely stems from burn pits and stress than it does from his genetics. He also earned blood clots and a stroke in 2014. The doctors told him that he wouldn’t be able to lift weights again. After discovering Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and the news that he and his wife were expecting their first child gave him the push to go outside the realm of conventional medicine because pills don’t fix everything.

He’s currently a middle school Social Studies/Writing teacher and also teaches Physical Education to Kindergarteners-8th grade while also working on finishing the book “Death Walker Marines” that has been a labor of love since 2006. Jared Prewitt is married with two kids and works out everyday in spite of his former doctors.